Southeast Asia: health

If, like me, you are embarking East on the road to travel bliss you may want to take a look at this guide on how to get your health in check before your visit to Southeast Asia. So, firstly, health requirements can differ dependent on what you want to do and where you are actually…

How to buy an Icelandic sweater

You are in Iceland and you, of course, want to buy  traditional Icelandic sweater (lopapeysa) as they are forever on trend and will totally remind you of your time in Iceland forever. One issue I had, which I did not predict, is how expensive a lopapeysa actually is. I was looking at spending around £200…

From Iceland, with love

What souvenirs does Iceland have to offer? I have split this into three categories. Free: things that do not cost money. Budget: things that I have found to have a low cost. Luxe: a littler more expensive. It is worth saying that my idea of cheap and expensive may be different to yours and these…

Five cheap eats in Reykjavík

Finding good food in Reykjavík is not difficult, but finding cheap food is a fine art. The cost of groceries in Iceland is 44% higher than in England which means the price for food in a restaurant can soar to to dizzying heights. Even in supermarkets the cost is much higher than I am personally accustomed to…

Santorini dreaming

A selection of my favourite photographs taken in Oia, Santorini when I visited in June 2016.

101 Goals in 1001 Days

Not one to miss a bandwagon, I thought I would hop on this one. Making goals, lists, itineraries and general planning is one of my particular joys in life. As I am officially approaching my mid-twenties, I thought it an appropriate time to get some real goals set out. The premise behind the 1001 day…

There’s an App for that: Europe Edition

I do think it is nice to  immerse yourself in a place without being run down by somebody in a rush to get the best shot, being whacked with an errant selfie stick or desperately trying to avoid being in the background of some dude’s vlog. On the other hand, my phone has been so handy, so so…

Buying an Interrail Pass

When I was a kid, my Mum told me about her own adventures whilst using an Interrail Pass (Eurail Pass). I think she could sense my need for adventure from a young age, as I distinctly being little more than a teenager when she regaled her own past travels to me. So, to me, an…

Avoiding tourist traps in Europe

You are in the middle of your Interrail journey, you are pretty confident in reading a free map from your hostel and you have become a professor of penny pinching. So, you are not going to get sucked into a tourist trap, are you? Exactly what I thought, I assumed I was pretty streetwise and…

Interrail itinerary

You are probably here to see Interrail/Eurail itineraries. That is semi true, you will see a single Interrail/Eurail itinerary – mine. This post will not necessarily contain any tips and tricks as to how to plan your own, as that is very personal to you and only you know what you want to see and…

My top five Interrail picks

Over a year ago I returned from my biggest travel adventure to date, a six week rail journey around Europe and here I am, planning a six month trip around Southeast Asia. Since I was feeling reminiscent, I decided to give you a countdown of my personal favourites from the continent. You may notice a…

How to spend a long weekend in Wrocław

If you are lucky enough to live in Europe, your options for a long weekend are unparalleled.  If you are central you can even hop on a train to most places or if, like me, you like in the UK (don’t ask me about Brexit, I don’t know what happened) a cheap flight to the…